Lenzie Community Council’s AGM on Thursday 18th November will be followed by a discussion on routes for walking, jogging and cycling around Lenzie.
The main focus for the AGM will be an overview from the Convener of the many activities and actions of the Community Council over the past year. All residents are welcome to attend at 7:00 pm in Upper Hall of Lenzie Hall on Kirkintilloch Road. Questions and comments on issues for Lenzie will be welcome and will be taken forward for consideration in the new session.
The AGM will be followed by a forum of interest to anyone looking to find interesting places to walk around Lenzie and perhaps further afield in the district. Several representatives of groups interested in walks of all kinds have agreed to be present to share their knowledge of where to go and what to see on the way. It has been suggested to the Community Council that a Guide to routes around Lenzie would be of interest to the many newcomers to the area and this could be a first step to that idea.